Central Forms
In the area are all forms that are important for the doctorate.
The „Application for admission as a doctoral candidate“ is only a supplementary document to theMatriculation application for international applicants or for applicants with foreign university degrees.
German applicants must use the Antrag auf Immatrikulation without which no data record can be created in the system, which is, however, necessary for the generation of a (provisional) matriculation number.
In the confirmation of admission, the applicants will be informed that enrollment is not absolutely necessary and that they will be asked to give a brief reply if they do not wish to enroll.
The contact person at K3 is Mrs. Lobe, Tel: 52284 bzw. christin.lobe@ovgu.de, she can help you.
Registration as a doctoral candidate according to Hochschulstatistik (HStaG)
Due to the amendment of the Federal Higher Education Statistics Act (HStatG), the OVGU is obliged to register all applications for a doctorate. The associated registration form can be found above.
The information must be completed electronically in the form and submitted after signing in paper form.
supervisor / change of subjekt: Request for amendment