MINT Fields Internship for Secondary School Students – New Offer for the Ökumenische Domgymnasium Magdeburg

04.11.2015 -  

To comply with the contents of MINT subjects outside of the classroom for ÖDG Magdeburg students,  in early summer the FVST’s Chemical Institute (ICH) and a teacher from the Department of Chemistry had agreed upon an experiment, intended to bring all 10th grade students to a lab day at the OVGU.

To this end, 90 students came to the Chemical Institute on three days in September and titrated, distilled, crystallized, and tried to determine surface tension and caloric content. Many problems could be linked to existing school knowledge - but oftentimes the "events" observed in the beaker, round-bottom flask, or Erlenmeyer flask were only fuly understood during the following evaluation round.

Back at school a discussion between students and supervising teachers lead to the decision to continue these experiments.
In the fall of 2016, both 12th grade chemistry classes are supposed to be given the opportunity to spend a day at the ICH, which will certainly direct thoughts towards a scientific-technical degree program or put into question the already existing ideas about degree programs and location.

(Image Source: ICH)

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