Claudia Meitzner


1. Why did you decide to study in Magdeburg?
For me, the university has a pleasant size. There are not too many students and therefore you have a personal association with each other. It is also within a good distance to my hometown, Leipzig. It’s close enough for weekend visits and far away enough to stand on your own two feet.

2. What do your study program and the city have to offer?
After the supporting foundations semesters, you are able to follow your own interests by selecting advanced courses, allowing you to design your study program to your own liking. Magdeburg offers a lot of opportunities to enjoy nature, work out, or cookout with your classmates due to its large amount of parks.

3. Can you use the knowledge acquired in your studies in your everyday/private life?
The knowledge on physical relationships and methodical problem solving that I have acquired through my studies enable me to understand processes that I come across in everyday life.

4. Does studying help you focus your goals for the future?
During your studies you are able to first gain insight into the breadth of your selected area and working at the university as a research assistant enables you to take part in research processes. The individual lectures form an interconnected understanding of problems pertaining to process engineering. There are countless practical applications and therefore career possibilities, which lets you chose an area that fascinates and fits you.

5. Has your vision for the future changed during your studies?
Yes. I didn’t notice until I started studying, how many different areas there are and what kind of possibilities they involve. I was able to deepen my knowledge and learn a great deal about working in research facilities through my work as a research assistant. This enabled me to become better acquainted with my area of interest.

6. What advice do you have for prospective students or pupils who are informing themselves on studying at the OVGU?
The best way to get to the know university is by visiting it. Especially the Campus Days, in which the university and its various departments introduce themselves and the Long Night of Science, during which the various research areas are explained are excellent opportunities. Of course you can also tour the campus, test the cafeteria, and talk to students during the semester.

7. What career would you like to pursue after graduation?
I don’t have a definite career in sight at all, yet. I would like to work at the university after graduating with my master’s degree and if possible work on my doctorate. The area of heat transfer especially fascinates me.

8. Are you involved in other projects besides the university?
No, I’m enjoying my free time outside of my studies and my work as a research assistant with my friends, whom I met through my studies. The Uni also offers a broad selection of physical fitness activities, which I like to take advantage of.

9. Why should one chose the Uni Magdeburg/FVST?
The size of the university gives you the opportunity to build a personal relationship with the professors and employees. The faculty teaches a comprehensive understanding of process engineering. You have the opportunity to help work on the evaluation of experiments or modeling in research topics during your bachelor’s or master’s thesis. The city of Magdeburg is also an attractive location since it offers a lot of nature and still has the advantages of a city.

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