Manuel Janocha


1. Why did you decide to study in Magdeburg?
Magdeburg was known to me as a handball player long before my studies. When I then, in the summer after completing my Abitur (general qualification for university entrance), was searching through possible process engineering degree programs, I was pleased to see a well-known city with good "not too far and not too close" distance from my home. The decision was then made relatively quickly.

2. What do your study program and the city have to offer?
My studies currently offer a variety and a lot challenges. The good mix of compulsory and elective courses ensures that no one lacks any of the basic engineering skills, but at the same time everyone can also specialize in his or her chosen field. If you are not sure where you want to be later on, you can find help in the good selection of excursions.

I believe that the bicycle-friendly city on the Elbe River with its many green spaces and affordable prices is just the right thing for a student. I have lived here for almost 5 years and have experienced everything but boredom with the many-sided leisure activities in the area of sports and culture.

3. Can you use the knowledge acquired in your studies in your everyday/private life?
This is rather tough as a process engineer. Even though you learn a lot about the functionality and production of many household products, repairs on devices or even manufacturing your own products usually proves to be too complex.

4. Does studying help you focus your goals for the future?
I believe that I only really became fully aware of my goals during my studies. Once you're away from home, everyone must first decide how much time they invest in their career and how much in leisure time. Of course, internships, special courses, such as key competences, or even a professor, who relays his treasure of professional experiences can always help.

5. Has your vision for the future changed during your studies?
Constantly. Even though I of course was aware of the basic outcome before the beginning my studies, but as with so many things the devil is in the details. The beauty of process engineering is the wide range of application areas. Whenever you think: "I would like to do that later on" a new topic for which you are even more enthusiastic arises.

6. What advice do you have for prospective students or pupils who are informing themselves on studying at the OVGU?
It is very helpful to look at the module handbooks for the study programs. Here you can read a lot about the subjects in each course of study. Many wonder what all is part of their studies or what basic courses you have to "get through" before you can pounce on the really interesting stuff. Also contacting older students or the Student Council is always helpful, so that you can speak to people who also know the dark sides of the study program.

7. What career would you like to pursue after graduation?
I am currently mainly interested in the field of chemical process engineering and the conception of reactors. However, this can also change here and there. I will therefore try to find a job at a large company after my studies, in which you can easily change your subject area and try a lot out.

8. Why should one chose the Uni Magdeburg/FVST?
Magdeburg is a large city in which you can experience a lot. Nevertheless, campus and university are very compact and the atmosphere very familial. You run into your instructors at barbecues in the Nordpark, at campus parties, or sit next to them in the cafeteria. If you need help or have questions about an exam you do not need to write e-mails. Instead, you just go by and knock on the office door. Also, things such as assistance with papers or finding a job as a hiwi (research assistant) are facilitated quickly and in a less complicated manner by this familial cooperation.

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