What should I know about the German academic system?

It should be pointed out that the German academic system is rather liberal, allowing for the freedom and flexibility to reflect the individual student's academic interests. No less important, however, is that students are expected to show initiative, to invest a great deal of time and effort, as well as to actively participate in the program. 

Do I have to understand German when wishing to study in an international program?

The CEE courses are fully offered in English. The University encourages the international students to take German language classes offered by the university's Language Center. This enables better communication skills and a greater flexibility in the choice of courses.  
German language expertise becomes especially relevant in finding off-campus jobs. Some German knowledge will allow for a wider choice of employers. Attending a beginners-level German course in your country beforehand is highly recommended. This will immensely facilitate the first steps here, both at the University and around town. 

How do young people from China apply?

We do welcome applications from Chinese degree holders, however, they are bound to adhere to the following obligatory procedure:

In order to tighten up the application procedure and to give the applicants quick certainty as to their eligibility to study in Germany, they are strongly advised to contact the Academic Clearing Agency at the German Embassy in Beijing. Here their academic documents are reviewed and the applicants are interviewed about their academic intentions and other matters. The whole procedure, including the granting of a visa after a positive review, should take no longer than six weeks, which is a great advantage. Our University can no longer accept applications without a valid original certificate from the Beijing Clearing Agency. The Clearing Agency at the German Embassy’s contact information is as follows:

Landmark Tower 2; Office 0311

Chaoyang District, 8 Dongsanhuan Beilu

100004 Beijing

Phone: + 10/ 6590 7141

Fax: + 10/ 6590 7140

eMail: kuaps@163bj.com

How many stamps are needed for the postal reply to non-European countries?   

You will need 5 stamps.

What about vacations?

Each academic year has two lecture-free periods, altogether five months. These are February/March and mid-July through early October. However, the first month of each of these two periods (i.e. February and July) are the regular examination periods. Students are usually busy preparing for and taking exams. The months of March, August, and September may be reserved for full-time work or extended holidays.

What is the University of Magdeburg’s institutional code for TOEFL?

It is 0183. The department code is 64.

Can IELTS be accepted in place of TOEFL?

Sure, since it is a recognized language proficiency test.

Language of instruction at my university is English. I would like to know if that is accepted as a proof of English knowledge by your department.

No, you must submit sufficient results from a recognized English language proficiency test. (In the case that instruction at your university was in English, you should have no problem in successfully taking the TOEFL test.)

Do I need to bring any books for my studies?

It is likely that you will not need extra books right at the beginning of your studies. You may use the university library and that of our faculty; they provide most of the books needed during the course of your studies.

Is knowledge in German language (GRE) required for admission?

To date it is not absolutely necessary, but very helpful, indeed.

Is the transfer of previously obtained credit points possible?

No, it is not possible.

How about climate and clothing?

Be prepared for extended periods of cold weather from November through April. Daytime temperatures tend to be around 0 to 5 degrees Celsius during this timer period, but can fall to -15 degrees Celsius on cold winter nights, especially in January and February. Summer temperatures are around 25 to 30 degrees Celsius in August; humidity is usually low. For current temperatures (in Celsius) have a look at the Magdeburg weather map.

Last Modification: 19.06.2024 - Contact Person: Werner Hintz