
The beginnings of the Faculty for Process and Systems Engineering date back more than 50 years to the Former Technical University of Applied Sciences of Magdeburg. In 1956, Prof. Heckmann already taught in the field chemical apparatus construction and process engineering, Prof. Herrmann in the field of heat engineering.

In 1998 the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering was founded with the four institutes, Process Engineering, Equipment and Environmental Engineering, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics as well as Chemistry. The Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering is accommodated in buildings 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, and 25. The buildings are accessible for the handicapped and correspond to all German Institute for Standardization norms. The university computer center, the university library, and the canteen are amongst the faculty building.

The Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering is subdivided organizationally into four institutes: the Institute of Process Engineering (IVT), the Institute of Apparatus and Environmental Engineering [IAUT], the Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics [ISUT] and the Chemical Institute [ICH], as well as the Deanary and the Deanary Administration. The Deanary consists of the Dean, Vice Dean and the Dean of Study of the Faculty. The dean and the members of the faculty council are elected every four years according to the statute / higher education law of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, and the student council is elected annually. The Dean proposes the Vice-Dean and the Dean of Studies, who are then elected by the Faculty Council. The Deanery Administration is subdivided into the Dean's Assistant and the Dean Secretary as well as the Examination Office of the faculty. The Examination Office of the FVST is responsible for all examination matters relating to the degree programs of the faculty and the close cooperation with the examination board of the FVST.

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