Dr. h.c. Heiko Mell receives Federal Cross of Merit
Heiko Mell, an honorary Professor at the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering, was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit at the end of April. We would like to warmly congratulate him for this distinction!
Dr. h. c. Mell has operated a unique career consulting forum in the weekly VDI News for 32 years and has practically gained cult status among engineers. "His articles are a great help for many engineers, thereby supporting one of the major occupational groups in Germany", Administrator Dr. Hermann-Josef Tebroke stressed at the Federal Cross of Merit award ceremony on Friday in Bergisch-Gladbach. "He thereby contributes substantially to the overall reduction of friction and mutual understanding between employers and employees. He provides academically trained young professionals, and not just engineers, with useful guidance, minimizing career-defining errors when entering the workforce."
Heiko Mell is 73 years old and was born in Kolmar in Pomerania. He is an industrial engineer, first worked for Klöckner Humboldt Deutz in Cologne and already started working as a recruiting consultant at 26 in Rösrath near Cologne. To date, he is the CEO of Recruiting Consultancy Heiko Mell. Since 1994, Mell holds honorary lectures on the topic "Rules for Business and Career" at the FVST, which are also very often utilized by students from other faculties; his events are always attended beyond capacity.
Quelle: Pressemitteilung der VDI nachrichten / Ulrike Gläsle, uglaesle@vdi-nachrichten.com
Photo: Jo Teichmann / VDI nachrichten