
In the following points you will find a little insight into our research philosophy.

Everything summarized

Here you will find the faculty’s research report, the university’s research catalog as well as that of their co-operating facilities. In addition, you will find a link to the Saxony-Anhalt research portal, where you can view, among other things, the publications of the past years.

What is important

Numerous challenges await the field of Process and System Engineering in the near future. It is therefore important to define priorities.

Methodological Approach

In order to be able to implement the future objectives, special process engineering modeling and simulation methods are required.

From the industry

In this area you will find some industrial examples on which our research is based.

Global is normal

The faculty pursues not only regional research projects, but is also involved with international ones.

    Last Modification: 19.06.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster