Process Engineering




Process engineering studies, develops, and realizes ecologically sound material conversion processes, which generate valuable products with the help of physical, biological, or physical actions. Fine chemicals become pharmaceuticals, petroleum is turned into functional plastics, rock becomes building materials and glass, ore becomes metals, waste becomes recyclates and energy, sand is turned into silicon chips, and agricultural raw materials are converted to foods, to name a few examples.

Process engineering is omnipresent - albeit not always explicit and recognizable at first glance - and indispensable for the economy and for society. Above all, indispensable when the latter combines the desire for prosperity with the demand for efficiency, sustainability, and a careful handling of people and the environment.

Here you will find an introduction into process engineering and the degree programs offered by the Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering. The faculty is concerned, amongst others, with the following questions and problems:

  1. What is chemical Process Engineering?

  2. Can you preserve sunshine?

  3. Emulsion as a reaction volume for the production of Nanoparticles

  4. Fuel cells

  5. Manufacturing particles in fluidized beds (external link)

  6. Water evaporation in small pores (external link)

  7. Calculations with uncertainties: from a point to a distribution

  8. Bioprocess engineering (external link)

  9. Question in mechanical Process Engineering (external link)

  10. Chemical Process Engineering (external link)

  11. Systems Engineering (external link)

  12. Investigations of mixing quality of a static mixer via optical laser measurements

  13. Development of a new process for the low-energy production of ceramics


The University offers various informational events together with the faculties (i.a. student internships) for prospective students.

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