Erik Scheunemann

Erik Scheunemann

1. Why did you decide to study in Magdeburg?
Magdeburg is a very green and compact city (not an overly crowded big city) and you can reach everything really well by bike. Magdeburg is affordable (apartments as well as university fees). It’s especially nice during the summer, for example on the Hubbrücke on the Elbe River overlooking the cathedral.

2. What do your study program and the city have to offer?
A good atmosphere for learning since there are no overly full seminars.

A distinctive student scene with lots of events and contact to almost the entire selection of study programs at the OvGU. A central campus with the good cafeteria!

3. Can you use the knowledge acquired in your studies in your everyday/private life?
Thermodynamics is easy to apply to your own space heating as well as cooling a bottle of beer. Physics is always reflected when you want to approximate the forces or energy of objects encountered in everyday life.

4. Does studying help you focus your goals for the future?
Absolutely! During your studies you go through a maturing process that gives you a clearer view of the future every semester.

5. Has your vision for the future changed during your studies?
Definitely. After all, I studied Industrial Engineering during my 1st semester until my true interests and talents led me to Environmental and Energy Process Engineering. Therefore, I now naturally also follow new goals for my future. Every semester you attend new courses in different areas that naturally keep awaking new interests that you knew nothing about before.

6. What advice do you have for prospective students or pupils who are informing themselves on studying at the OVGU ?
Prep courses (especially math) are pretty useful, since, before starting at uni, you usually have forgotten many transformations, among other things. You also already get to meet new people there. Also, always go to the orientation week! You shouldn’t be scared of areas, that you may have opted out of in school. Your studies always begin with the basics! It’s faster paced, but with the right motivation that’s not even a problem. (I myself had no chemistry as an upperclassman).

7. What career would you like to pursue after graduation?
In the energy sector -> contribute to the switch to sustainable energy (perhaps biogas, hydroelectric power, etc.). Perhaps complete a PhD and do research, but that will be decided later on.

8. Are you involved in other projects besides the university?
I’ve been a member of the Student Council since the 3rd semester and am also an elected member now. I therefore represent the interests of the students at the faculty in various aspects and organize events (as well as a party here and there). During the break and at the beginning of the semester I oftentimes support my local Protestant community as a youth group leader. Furthermore, I try to support the Viva con Agua Crew in Magdeburg as much as possible.

9. Why should one chose the Uni Magdeburg/FVST?
OvGU, because in my experience the university is very student-friendly, and due to the relatively small size and the compact campus you receive a lot of contact with different study programs. I would always recommend a study program at the FVST because the aspects of the process engineering are simply incredibly exciting and diverse, which many are not so aware of. I honestly had hardly any idea about this subject, but during my studies I quickly noticed how interesting and how much fun it it is. No other engineering discipline combines chemistry and physics. In addition, the FVST has a very good location with the MPI and the Fraunhofer Institute right next door!

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