Nils Schild


1. Why did you decide to study in Magdeburg?
A friend first made me aware of Magdeburg as a possible place to study. After reading up on the study program content and also looking into the university rankings a bit, where the OVGU usually performs very well, I then decided on Magdeburg.

2. What do your study program and the city have to offer?
The master's degree in Environmental and Energy Process Engineering, in particular, offers me a great deal of flexibility. There is only one compulsory subject; the rest are then selected from a large catalog of elective subjects. This allowed me to focus my studies on my interests.The city offers a very good student life. In addition to the relatively low cost of living, Magdeburg offers plenty of space for activities outside of the university, with its many parks (especially Nordpark directly next to the university is very inviting for barbecues with your friends in the summer) and the bar district at the Hasselbachplatz. Furthermore, the university has a large selection of physical fitness activities, which for the most part are free of charge for students.

3. Does studying help you focus your goals for the future?
The combination of a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering, which provides the basic knowledge and foundations of economics and engineering disciplines, and a master's degree, in which I could choose the subjects according to my interests, allowed me to focus my studies on my future goals.

4. Has your vision for the future changed during your studies?
I had decided to study engineering very early on. The exact discipline was more of a gut decision, whereby I then developed a great interest in energy engineering during my studies. At the same time, big changes were taking place in the German energy industry and I wanted to be a part of it. I decided not to go for a master's in Industrial Engineering as I had initially planned but chose to pursue a master’s degree in Environmental and Energy Process Engineering instead.

5. What advice do you have for prospective students or pupils who are informing themselves on studying at the OVGU?
Getting in touch with fellow students from higher semesters early on is always worthwhile. They know most of the tips & tricks, as well as the difficult parts of the study program. Getting involved in the Student Council is also always a good recommendation. Not only does it provide you the opportunity to participate in exciting projects such as the professor cook-out, but you become acquainted with the professors and instructors at an early stage, which can never hurt.

6. What career would you like to pursue after graduation?
I want to do my part in the energy revolution and am therefore focusing on the energy industry.

7. Are you involved in other projects besides the university?
I have been involved in the Student Council since the 3rd semester, which of course contains many organizational tasks. I have helped organize the orientation week for incoming students multiple times and have been responsible for the finances. I’ve also manned the grill at many events, which is a lot of fun.

8. Why should one chose the Uni Magdeburg/FVST?
As a rather small faculty, the FVST offers a very familial character. Small courses and good contact to the professors speak for themselves. Of course, the FVST also offers a wide range of subject-relevant courses.

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