
Networking with European, National, Regional and University Focus:

Lead actor in the DFG focus program 1486 "Particles in contact - micromechanics, micro-process dynamics and particle collective (PiKo)" with Graz, Enschede, Vienna, Zurich, Braunschweig, Erlangen, Halle, Karlsruhe, MPI Mainz, Paderborn, Stuttgart ...(since 2010)
Spokesman for the DFG Research Training Group 1554 "Micro-macro-interactions in structured media and particle systems" with the faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics (2002-2008, new since 2010, reconfirmed since 8/2014)
Participation in the Transregio-SFB 63 "Integrated chemical processes in liquid multiphase systems" with the TU Berlin and TU Dortmund (since 2010)
Leadership in the "International Max Planck Research School for Analysis, Design and Optimization in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering" together with the Faculty of Mathematics (since 2008)
Collaboration in the DFG Priority Program 1679 "Dynamic simulation of interconnected solids processes", (since July 2013)
Participation in the DFG Priority Program 1570 "Porous media in process engineering"
Participation in the EU-Project "ENTHALPY – Enabling the drying process to save energy and water, realizing process efficiency in the dairy chain", (since 2013)

Networking with Regional and University Focus:

Lead actor in the BMBF-InnoProfile Enterprise Region Project "Junior Research Group Fluidized Bed Technology (NaWiTec)" (NaWiTec-Transfer, NaWiTec-Energy) with regional firms
Lead actor in the BMBF InnoRegio Growth Center "Fluidized Bed and Granulation Technology (WiGraTec+)" with regional firms
Research Centre for Dynamic Systems (CDS)

Research-International and National Visibility

3 colleagues from the faculty are also directors of the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical System in Magdeburg
4 colleagues are long time elected members in key decision making bodies of the  
DFG (board member for  "Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering"), member of committee for DFG collaborative research centers.
1 colleague is an elected reviewer for the AIF.
1 colleague is chairman of the AiF 's expert group „Process and Energy Engineering“
member of the Advisory Committee of German Israeli Research Foun­dation (GIF) (since 2007)
2 colleagues are a regular members of the Sachsen Academy of Sciences in Leipzig
1 colleague is a member of the Sachsen Academy of Science presidium (since 2012)
3 colleagues are members of Working Parties of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers
("Chemical Reaction Engineering", "Drying" and "Mechanics of Particulate Solids")
1 colleague is a member of the „Board of Directors of the International Adsorption Society (IAS)
1 colleague is  chairman of the ProcessNet Section "Agglomeration and Bulk Material Technology"
(since 2005)
1 colleague is  chairman of the ProcessNet Section Drying
1 colleague is a member of the International Science Committee for the "International Drying Symposium" (since 2010)
1 colleague coordinates the international meeting "Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids" (since 2012)
1 colleague is an Einstein Professor of the Chinese Academy of Science
1 colleague is the chairman of the board of trustees of the Ernest-Solvay-Foundation
1 colleague is a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
1 colleague is a member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering


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